All our publications are written by our team of health professionals and health writers.
You can download our publications below or order printed copies from our shop. A charge is applied for large orders.
Choose from these categories:
- High blood pressure and how to lower it
- Materials for raising awareness
- Keep your blood pressure healthy - Easy Read
- Translated high blood pressure information
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High blood pressure and how to lower it
Introducing high blood pressure – A5 booklet
This booklet introduces what high blood pressure is, how you can lower it with lifestyle changes and treatments, and measuring your own blood pressure at home.
Introducing high blood pressure leaflet [PDF 2,254KB]
This booklet is available in 32 languages. See our translated information.
Healthy eating and blood pressure – A5 booklet
Practical tips on changing what you eat and drink to lower blood pressure, including eating less salt, drinking in moderation and eating enough fruit and veg.
Healthy Eating and Blood Pressure [PDF 1,087KB]
Healthy lifestyle and blood pressure – A5 booklet
A useful guide to the changes you can make to your lifestyle to lower your blood pressure, including getting active and keeping to a healthy weight.
Healthy lifestyle and blood pressure [PDF 217KB]
Getting the most from blood pressure medicines – A5 booklet
This booklet answers the most common questions people ask about their medicines. It covers the medicines available, their side effects, taking more than one medication and getting the most from them.
Getting the most from blood pressure medicines [PDF 1,022KB]
Measuring your blood pressure at home - A5 booklet
This booklet explains how to measure your blood pressure at home using a home monitor. It covers how to choose a monitor, how and when to use it.
Measuring blood pressure at home [PDF 997KB]
Healthy eating: The African Caribbean way – A5 booklet
Practical tips on the changes you can make to your diet to lower your blood pressure, including which traditional African Caribbean dishes are high in salt and the heart-healthy alternatives.
Available as download only.
Healthy eating: The African Caribbean way [PDF 4,039KB]
Love your heart: A South Asian guide to controlling your blood pressure – A5 booklet
This booklet is for people from a South Asian background, explaining how you can look after your blood pressure and your heart health and why it's important.
Love your heart - South Asian guide [PDF 4,825KB]
You can also download this in other languages: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.
Materials for raising awareness
Top Tips for a healthier blood pressure – A3 poster
Designed for waiting rooms and health awareness stands, this poster can be displayed to raise awareness of high blood pressure and highlights five simple changes that will make a big difference to your health.
Top tips for a healthier blood pressure [PDF 24,811KB]
Take control! Get your blood pressure checked today – A3 Poster
This poster is designed to reach the African Caribbean community with the simple message – get a blood pressure check to take control of your health. It can be used in waiting rooms or awareness stands.
Available as download only.
Take control! Get your blood pressure checked today [PDF 89KB]
Know Your Numbers! General Information leaflet
This A5 leaflet provides a quick overview of high blood pressure and why you need to know your numbers, as well as simple tips on how to lower or prevent it. It also includes an area to record your blood pressure numbers, and information about becoming a Blood Pressure UK member.
Know Your Numbers! General Information Leaflet [PDF 2,910KB]
High blood pressure: your questions answered – A4 pad of tear-off sheets
A pad of 50 tear-off sheets answering the top 10 questions that people are likely to ask after being diagnosed with high blood pressure. The answers reflect clinical practice and encourage healthy lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure.
Available as download only.
High blood pressure - your questions answered [PDF 583KB]
Know Your Numbers! year-round resource pack
Our Know Your Numbers! Resource Packs include all the resources you need to run your own blood pressure testing event throughout the year. They come in packs of 50, 100, 200, 400, and 600.
The pack includes:
- Do you Know Your Numbers! leaflet – explaining what high blood pressure is, what the numbers mean and how to lower it, including an area to write down your blood pressure numbers and information about becoming a Blood Pressure UK member.
- testing guidelines – a quick reference guide for how to carry out the checks
- a Blood pressure checks poster to advertise your event, with space to add your venue details
- Top tips for a healthier blood pressure poster
- KYN balloons
Find out more and order your pack.
Keep your blood pressure healthy - Easy Read
An Easy Read booklet about how to look after your blood pressure. This Easy Read booklet has been produced with the help of The Involvement Matters Team (IMT) as part of the East Sussex County Council's reference group for adults with a learning disability. It uses simple language and pictures to tell you about how to keep your blood pressure healthy.
Available as download only.
Keep your blood pressure healthy - Easy Read [PDF 1,926KB]
Translated high blood pressure information
With great thanks to the Big Lottery Fund, we have translated our essential blood pressure booklet, Introducing high blood pressure, into 32 languages.
We have also translated our booklet, Love your heart: A South Asian guide to controlling your blood pressure, into Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.
View all our translated blood pressure information.