ISOFITTER - every little helps!
What would you be willing to try to lower your blood pressure and to improve your future health?
An experienced research team are preparing to deliver a large-scale research study across England (funded by the National Institute of Health Research) to see if these findings can be replicated for longer periods of time outside the laboratory in the real world.
The researchers want to recruit adults (18+ years) who have been officially diagnosed with high blood pressure / hypertension and are using either one form of or no blood pressure medication. The study will explore if healthy lifestyle advice alone, or healthy lifestyle advice and performing four 2-minute wall squats (at an individualised height) three times a week over a 6-month period can help improve blood pressure management.
If you fit these criteria and think you can stick to this short, moderately demanding physical activity routine (you would receive regular reminders to help you achieve this goal) then why not find out more by visiting the ISOFITTER study website:
"Our hope is that this simple and accessible activity proves to be an effective lifestyle change that will be embraced by adults of all ages to help keep blood pressure under control and reduce associated health risks" - Dr Jim Wiles (Lead investigator).
You never know, performing this one simple exercise for a total of just 24-minutes a week in the comfort of your own home could really change your life!
Recruitment goes live from Monday 10th February 2025.