Take part in May Measurement Month 2019
Be a part of the global campaign taking on high blood pressure, giving free blood pressure checks around the world.

May Measurement Month is a worldwide campaign raising awareness of high blood pressure. It puts the spot light on free accessible blood pressure tests as one of the simplest ways for governments to stop unnecessary deaths from heart disease and stroke, finding people already at risk of disease in the process.
In just two years since the campaign was launched, volunteers have already taken 2.7 million people’s blood pressures. In the first year alone, they found over 150,000 people with high blood pressure who didn’t know it, and over 100,000 with high blood pressure which wasn’t well controlled.
The campaign is led by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) which represents world leaders working in hypertension (high blood pressure). This year, they’re stepping up a gear and want more volunteers in the UK and more countries around the world taking part. By providing more checks and making more headlines, the team aim to change health policies around the world.
Get involved
We’re supporting MMM, along with the BHF, in their international effort to beat high blood pressure. We’d love your support too.
There are many ways you can take part in MMM. You can lead or volunteer at a screening site, get health professionals on board to measure blood pressures, or spread the word to bring more people along to a screening site.
Throughout May, pressure testing events will appear around the UK in pharmacies, charity shops, shopping centres, hospitals, car parks. You name it. Find your nearest station and bring your friends and families along. The locations will be available on the MMM website soon.