
WHO Potassium and Salt Guidance

WHO issues new guidance on dietary salt and potassium


Adults should consume less than 5 grams of salt, and at least 3,510 mg of potassium per day, according to new guidelines issued by the WHO. A person with either high salt levels and low potassium levels could be at risk of raised blood pressure which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Currently, most people consume too much salt (around 8.1g a day)and not enough potassium.  Public health measures to reduce salt and increase potassium consumption and thereby decrease the population’s risk of high blood pressure and heart disease can include food and product labelling, consumer education, updating national dietary guidelines, and negotiating with food manufacturers to reduce the amount of salt in processed foods. 

Blood Pressure UK supporter Kudos Blends say "By replacing the sodium bicarbonate with potassium bicarbonate we can reduce sodium levels while helping to increase dietary potassium, and yet making no difference to the same great tasting products we see on the market."

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